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Thursday 21 March 2013

The Goal : A Process Of Ongoing Improvement-Part 1/3

The Goal : A Process Of Ongoing Improvement
By Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox

  • The plant has some orders which are not delivered yet. The delivery of these order is two month late.
  •   There is lot of unsold finished goods inventory living in warehouse which cost is around two million.
  •  The workforce has failed to meet the target. It is not as efficient as the management is being expected from them.
  •  The more pathetic situation is that the company has a lot of cash shortage.
  •  It is informed to Alex who is plant manager that if these trends cannot turned around in three month Unico has no alternative except to shutdown. These unprofitable operations. So Alex’s career is at a risk.  

  • NCX-10 is an automatic machine which is used to assemble ending parts of different components. Owing to this disorder, the goods are not completed. And simply if they could not completed then they could not shipped out.
  • Company has designed such check sheets which are unnecessary. According to these check sheets, plant should produce all parts which will be used in further goods in further.
  • Because workforce has to work beyond their capacity which create frustration & anger, That’s why their work interest has been reduced and ultimately their efficiencies are also being down. As Alex bring his problem at home and shows his frustration on their family members.

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